Scripts Among Her Glass Walls

Honor Your Soul is the message shared within the journey of soul. With Scripts Among Her Glass Walls, Kyemma takes you back to the root of soul in the East: The Eye. The eye is the heart and aligns with the soul on the journey within this realm. For, the soul leads and the eye follows, where mysticism aligns in the eye of soul in Scripts Among Her Glass Walls. The author eliminated what did not serve her soul to find the home within. The soul is the guide, for, it all begins within.




Within each segment is a virtue of soul-led idioms bestowed upon the tongue of mind’s eye.

Welcome to A Mystic’s Vision

May you all heed the eye of the soul’s ancestral root as you’ll embody and roam through Parables Of Her Soul.

The soul is the guide & the creator of infinite possibilities.

Honor the eye of your soul. Nafasam ziba eshgh.